Artículos Financiamiento Infraestructura
NOTE: In some cases the final published version is not available in electronic form, in which case the latest available version is included (in reverse chronological order of publication).
Financial Structuring of Infrastructure Projects in Public-Private Partnerships: An Application to Water ProjectVersión en español
Inter-American Development Bank, 2006. With several co-authors.
with Ali Mostafavi and Dulcy Abraham,
Transportation Research Part A Policy and Practice, 70, November 2014.
Primer on Water Economics and Water Finance
with Paulina Beato,
en Investing in Water for a Green Economy: Services, Infrastructure, Policies and Management. Mike Young and Christine Esau, editors, Routledge, 2013.
Public procurement methods to enhance private investments in infrastructure
with Juan Benavides,
Working paper, presented at the 2010 Engineering Project Organizations Conference, EPOC, Lake Tahoe, November 2010.
Selecting infrastructure delivery modalities: No time for ideology or semantics,
with Juan Benavides and Angela Paris
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, April 2009. .
Public-Private Partnerships, Euromoney Books, 2008.
Private Infrastructure Investment at the Subnational Level: Challenges in Emerging Economies,
with Paulina Beato.
Journal of Project Finance. Summer 2000.
El Sector Energético en el umbral del Siglo XXI: Tendencias y Retos,
con Jaime Millán,
Energía en el Nuevo Milenio, Club Español de la Energía, Madrid, 2000.
Pension Funds in Infrastructure Project Finance: Regulations and Instrument DesignVersión en español
Journal of Project Finance, Summer 1999.
Private Infrastructure: Ten Commandments for SustainabilityVersión en español
Journal of Project Finance, Spring 1997.
with Martin Chrisney. Project Finance International, Americas Market Report, Spring 1996.
Private Sector Participation in Infrastructure: Risk, Fiscal and Efficiency Issues in Public-Private Arrangements for the Provision of Servicesdisponible en español
with Paulina Beato,
Infrastructure. Spring 1996. Reprinted in The Economics of Public Private Partnerships, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2004.
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